Women's Health In Women's Hands
Remaking the World with a Feminist Vision - www.womenshealthinwomenshands.org
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Friday, August 28, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Recommended Article: "Alabama Case Illustrates Difficulties Women Behind Bars Face When Seeking Abortion" by Victoria Law
Comments by Carol Downer
"Margaret Atwood did not have a crystal ball when she wrote the gripped “TheHandmaid’s Tale”. She didn’t need one. She just used her brilliant creative mind to imagine women’s future in 30 years after U.S. legislators started making laws that make the fetus have more rights than the woman who carries it. We have now entered the “woman as incubator” in Alabama and Texas."
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Rain and Thunder publishes "Repoductive Sovereignty or Bust!" by Carol Downer
The latest issue of "Rain and Thunder: A Radical Feminist Journal of Discussion and Activism" published Carol Downer's article "Reproductive Sovereignty or Bust!" Pick up a copy and support this publication!
Monday, June 15, 2015
What does a female condom have in common with a hip replacement?
[Re-post from NWHN e-newsletter 6/11/15]
Dear Friend,
What does a female condom have in common with a hip replacement? Not much, obviously. At least it’s obvious to us. But the FDA treats female condoms as if they need the same level of stringent regulatory oversight as hip replacements and other implanted devices. That’s just not right!
I’ve written to you before about how female condoms are a great option for safer sex. Despite being safe and effective at preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STI's) and unintended pregnancy, the FDA has labeled female condoms as a Class III medical device, the highest level of regulation. Male condoms are treated as Class II devices, which means that the FDA ensures that good manufacturing practices are followed, and changes aren’t made that could compromise safety and effectiveness. But otherwise, the FDA doesn’t over-regulate male condom. Needlessly classifying female condoms in the highest regulatory category creates barriers to female condom accessibility and affordability. Only one female condom is FDA approved and available in the U.S. and permitted to be purchased with U.S. foreign aid. Women and men deserve to choose the method of family planning and STI prevention that is right for them without facing unnecessary obstacles.
Last week, Network Program Director Coco Jervis participated in this informative webinar about current FDA regulatory opportunities for removing barriers. We have been working with our coalition partners at the National Female Condom Coalition to urge the FDA to down-classify female condoms to enable new options for women in the U.S. and across the globe. To help us remove barriers to new female condom products, take action today and share some of these fantastic NFCC resources and help spread the message that people need more options for safer sex.
The Network will continue working with our allies to ensure access to a full range of preventive options for pregnancy and STI transmission. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive for the most up-to-date information on our advocacy!
Thank you,
Cindy Pearson
Executive Director
Friday, June 12, 2015
Exclusive Q&A with Ricki Lake, Abby Epstein, & Holly Grigg-Spall
What made you want to shed light on this topic of hormonal contraceptives?
Ricki: It really seemed like a very natural progression for us from ‘The Business of Being Born.’ Women spend more time trying to avoid pregnancy - a decade or more at the start, then they have babies, then they’re back to trying to avoid it for further decades. It’s an experience all women share. What we did for birth, we want to do for birth control, and empower women with more information and more choice. ‘The Business of Being Born’ was about body literacy and this project is the same - it’s about women knowing, understanding, and trusting their bodies.
Abby: We’ve both had our own negative experiences with different kinds of hormonal contraceptives over the years. We know other women who have experienced the same thing. Holly Grigg-Spall sent us her manuscript for ‘Sweetening the Pill: Or How We Got Hooked on Hormonal Birth Control’ and something just clicked when I was reading it. For the first time, I was connecting emotionally difficult periods in my life to the use of the pill and it just made so much sense to do this film. We could approach birth control with women’s empowerment in mind, too.
Holly: For me, I wrote the book because I had a pretty terrible personal experience with the Pill, which I used for ten years consistently. The book began as a blog that I wrote about coming off the Pill and my experience doing that, how it made me feel, finding alternative contraception, learning about my cycle and so on. That blog meant that lots of women got in touch to share their own stories. I realized the extent of this problem. I then soon realized it was really taboo almost to criticize the Pill or the culture around the Pill. That interested me. I saw ‘The Business of Being Born’ when I was actually writing the book and I made the connection right away. I wrote about the parallels between the birth and the birth control industries. I knew that the book could make the basis of a great documentary and that the absolute best people to do this would be Abby and Ricki. I set my sights on that. Of course, I am now over-the-moon about the film. A book is one thing, but a documentary like this can reach so many more women.
Why have you turned to Kickstarter to get this movie made?
Abby: We spent a year going the traditional route and we met with a few networks and production companies. We had a lot of discussion and a lot of real interest. People were saying this film could be “the Food Inc. of birth control.” Everyone has a story or knows someone who has a story about this, it’s just that kind of subject. But, it doesn’t have that commercial pull. It seems, at first, a little scary even. Some people struggle to understand the perspective. We have to explain that it is not anti-birth control or anti-Pill. Instead it is pro-informed consent, pro-choice, and pro-knowledge. We want women to have more options for contraception, not less! We want them to have more access, not less! It’s a feminist film project. This topic is very politicized right now, so that takes a little time to explain.
Ricki: People might not realize, but we didn’t actually make any money from ‘The Business of Being Born’ - it was hugely successful in many great ways, but we lost money. Documentaries are really passion projects. We know a grassroots effort is right for this project, it spreads awareness and gets the conversation going. Women will share their stories and may even share their stories for the film. They will have their experiences validated by this, which is so important. The campaign is doing really well, but we have to keep going strong to reach our goal now.
The Kickstarter campaign highlights Fertility Awareness Methods as a non-hormonal alternative, particularly when supported with apps and new technology. How did this area come to your attention?
Ricki: We got introduced to Kindara first through Holly’s book and we have met with them and discussed their work with their app and new wireless basal body thermometer, Wink. They want to democratize this knowledge, make it part of every woman’s education. They really think it could change things for the better when it comes to women’s lives. We also spoke with the makers of Clue in Berlin. They’re helping women track every part of their monthly cycle. It’s great progress for women’s reproductive health. Just this week we saw that Apple finally decided to add menstrual cycles to their HealthKit app. This is wonderful. It means other apps can sync with the native technology on the iPhone and it means more women will come to realize they can track their cycles and benefit from being aware of this information. They will be made aware of that option.
Abby: Really the technology sector is leading the way here. We’re seeing them step up and help and support women who don’t want to or can’t use hormonal contraceptives. They’re making using Fertility Awareness Methods simpler, easier, less time-consuming and more approachable. They’re getting in the media and getting their message out there. And these people are also a wealth of knowledge because thousands of women are using their apps and talking to them about their cycles and experiences.
A lot of women take the Pill for other issues these days, not just for contraception. Do you want to explore this?
Abby: Absolutely. A couple of our film advisers work in this area - providing holistic, natural reproductive health support. They are working with women who have found the Pill hasn’t helped them long term. They’ve had side effects or the problems they had before have returned after coming off. They’re struggling to get pregnant. The Pill is prescribed for so many health problems these days and, although it’s definitely helpful and even essential for some women, it’s not the right treatment in all situations. In the Kickstarter video we highlight one part of this - how women are using it to regulate their cycles, even though they’re getting misleading information on that.
Holly: This is such an important area. More and more women are on the Pill for everything from acne to PCOS and yet the Pill doesn’t treat these problems, it only masks them. When women come off, most commonly the issue returns and might even be worse than before. We think that women have to suffer with PMS, like it’s our destiny, inevitable, when actually a lot of hormonal balance-related problems can be treated properly long term with alternative protocols. Women deserve better. They don’t have to put up with this stuff. And they don’t always have to use drugs that give them side effects to fix the problem. For some women, as Abby says, hormonal contraceptives are essential treatment. But we’re at a point now where it’s being doled out like a cure-all and it’s just not.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Women-Controlled Research Gets Recognition!
By Francie Hornstein, former co-director of the L.A. Feminist Women's Health Center (FWHC)
I'm writing to encourage you to contribute what you can to Kathy Hodge's travel to the upcoming Society for Menstrual Cycle Research Conference. I attended this conference in the 1970's to present research conducted by the FWHC. Our research was a grassroots effort to document our own menstrual cycles, in detail. While we were a bit nervous to be meeting with this group of "real" research scientists, our research was met with respect, enthusiasm and honest curiosity.
The 1970's marked the beginning of women in science investigating topics of concern to other women. Since then, research conducted by women in science has proliferated. Kathy's attendance at the conference is important for two reasons: 1) She can represent the history of work done by the feminist health movement and the FWHC in particular and 2) She can hear about current research related to women's health done by women in research and academia. These connections are invaluable in determining the direction of future research that benefits women's health.
Checks are gladly accepted! Please write the check to:
Women's Health in Women's Hands c/o Carol Downer
Mail to:
2451 Ridgeview Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90041
To read about the "Perks" offered to show our APPRECIATION for your FINANCIAL SUPPORT - please read "Kathy Hodge Can Make HISTORY with YOUR Financial Help!"
So far $280 of the $2400 requested has been raised. To see a list of contributors go to womenshealthinwomenshands.blogspot.com
I'm writing to encourage you to contribute what you can to Kathy Hodge's travel to the upcoming Society for Menstrual Cycle Research Conference. I attended this conference in the 1970's to present research conducted by the FWHC. Our research was a grassroots effort to document our own menstrual cycles, in detail. While we were a bit nervous to be meeting with this group of "real" research scientists, our research was met with respect, enthusiasm and honest curiosity.
The 1970's marked the beginning of women in science investigating topics of concern to other women. Since then, research conducted by women in science has proliferated. Kathy's attendance at the conference is important for two reasons: 1) She can represent the history of work done by the feminist health movement and the FWHC in particular and 2) She can hear about current research related to women's health done by women in research and academia. These connections are invaluable in determining the direction of future research that benefits women's health.
Checks are gladly accepted! Please write the check to:
Women's Health in Women's Hands c/o Carol Downer
Mail to:
2451 Ridgeview Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90041
To read about the "Perks" offered to show our APPRECIATION for your FINANCIAL SUPPORT - please read "Kathy Hodge Can Make HISTORY with YOUR Financial Help!"
So far $280 of the $2400 requested has been raised. To see a list of contributors go to womenshealthinwomenshands.blogspot.com
Friday, April 17, 2015
Thank you! on "Kathy Hodge Can Make HISTORY with YOUR Financial Help!"
Your donation can fund Kathy Hodge* to present the report of the 1975 Women’s Health Center’s participant-controlled study of the female menstrual cycle at the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research Conference in Boston, June 4th to 6th, 2015.
“In male-dominated science, not as much work has been done to find a simple indicator of a woman’s days, which begin prior to the basal body temperature change at ovulation, as has been done on walking on the moon”
DONATE to cover Kathy’s out-of-pocket expenses
Needed: $2400.00
Donate via PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer
Needed: $2400.00
Donate via PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer
Thank You for Your Support!
- Karen Nixon ($25.00)
- Francie Hornstein ($50.00)
- Judith Kaluzny ($50.00)
- Shelby Coleman ($50.00)
- Monique Harriton ($25.00)
- Melissa Davis ($40.00)
- Teresa Downer ($40.00)
- Thora J. Deley ($25.00)
- James J. Cox ($50.00)
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Kathy Hodge Can Make HISTORY with YOUR Financial Help!
Your donation can fund Kathy Hodge* to present the report of the 1975 Women’s Health Center’s participant-controlled study of the female menstrual cycle at the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research Conference in Boston, June 4th to 6th, 2015.
9 staff members of the Feminist Women’s Health Center (including Kathy Hodge) met each day for over a month, recording changes in our vaginas and cervixes, our moods, basal body temperature, and other physiological changes.
“We found that healthy females can have a wider range of normal than previously believed. We did see cyclic changes, but not the ones medical textbooks focused on. Moods defied cyclic interpretation in our study, which frankly surprised us.”
This breakthrough study exploded the medical myth that any variation from the 28-day cycle was “abnormal”. We also found that relying on the results of routine one-time, “snapshot”, readings of lab tests could result in grossly inappropriate and even harmful diagnoses and treatments. Mood changes during our cycles seemed more impacted by the environment.
YOU WILL RECEIVE A SOCIAL MEDIA SHOUT-OUT AND A REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE FROM KATHY (We will list your name on our website, blog, facebook, and twitter as a supporter of Kathy’s presentation.)
A Self-Examination Kit, including speculum, flashlight, hand mirror and instruction sheet (donated by Women’s Health Specialists)
Donate: PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer
A used, good-condition copy of A Woman’s Book of Choices” by Rebecca Chalker and Carol Downer (it’s out of print)
Donate: PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer
Framed Pat Maginnis cartoon showing a uterus being pulled in a tug-of-war between patriarchal men and population controllers) OR a PDF copy of Kathy Hodge’s paper, with tables and charts.
Donate: PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer
“In male-dominated science, not as much work has been done to find a simple indicator of a woman’s days, which begin prior to the basal body temperature change at ovulation, as has been done on walking on the moon”
DONATE to cover Kathy’s out-of-pocket expenses
Needed: $2400.00
Donate via PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer
Needed: $2400.00
Donate via PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer
In 1975, the Feminist Women’s Health Centers did the first-ever participant-led menstrual cycle research.

The findings were published in the journal, Women’s Health (now defunct), Helen Marieskind, editor-in-chief.
The Society for Menstrual Cycle Research is a nonprofit, interdisciplinary research organization. Its membership includes researchers in the social and health sciences, humanities scholars, health care providers, policy makers, health activists, artists and students with interests in the role of the menstrual cycle in women’s health and well-being.
The Society works to have menstrual health respected as a human right. The UNDP and UNICEF have highlighted menstruation as “the single most important factor affecting school drop-out among girls”.
- Keynote by Reproductive Justice Pioneer Loretta Ross
- Kick-Off Flash! Plenary showcasing several short diverse talks that make the menstrual connection
- 2015 Making Menstruation Matter award presentation to Our Bodies, Ourselves
- Plenary on Menstrual Cycle Hygiene Management campaigns around the globe
- “Mainstreaming the Flow”: (Still) Selling my Soul to Start the Conversation” with Tomi-Ann Roberts
- “Widening the Cycle”, a menstrual art exhibit and plenary
- Poetry Open Mic and Raffle hosted by Dominique Christina
- Lunette Comedy and Cocktails with the Crimson Wave Girls
This breakthrough study exploded the medical myth that any variation from the 28-day cycle was “abnormal”. We also found that relying on the results of routine one-time, “snapshot”, readings of lab tests could result in grossly inappropriate and even harmful diagnoses and treatments. Mood changes during our cycles seemed more impacted by the environment.
$5.00 OR MORE

Donate: PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer

Donate: PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer

Donate: PayPal or check c/o Carol Downer
We gladly accept checks! Please write the check to:
Women's Health in Women's Hands c/o Carol Downer
Mail to:
2451 Ridgeview Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90041
2451 Ridgeview Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90041
Social media shout out will be posted immediately. Kathy Hodge’s PDF report will be e-mailed, and other perks will be mailed by July 31st.
Thank You for Your Support!
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